Saturday, September 15, 2007

Pool Balls No. 3

oil on gallery wrap canvas
10'' x 10"

This is the third of four new paintings recently shipped to Stricoff Fine Art. I get a lot of requests for them, I love painting them, so for the time being I'll be doing more of them. Them being Pool Balls. Whenever I need a break from my somewhat monochromatic palette, I return to these colorful spheres. I feel that with each I learn a little more about how to paint a sphere. One of these days I'm going to go all in, and paint one of these very large, and really explore the subtleties their colors and reflections. If you're considering the purchase of this painting, you can find contact information for the gallery by clicking here.


  1. Hi Neil,
    Love the subtle changes of colors and light on each ball. A BEAUTY.

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Fantastic ..... Fine art work with distinction.

  3. Neil,
    I really love your work...your a real source of inspiration. I only hope I obtain your skill level as I progress as a painter.

  4. Amazing. Terrific job capturing the form of each ball, not easy by any means! Love it!

  5. Those balls are just fabulous. I can see why they sell well.

  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Neil, This piece is stinking the abstract quality stemming from the realism..hope you know what I mean. The variant shadow colors absolutely work to create an abstract view yet it doesn't lose its realism. Fabulous piece.


  7. Anonymous10:12 PM

    This is really beautiful work.

  8. Neil,

    Would it be OK for me to put your link to my favourites?

    Happy New Year
    Izzat Sajdi
