Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bowl of Bulbs No. 2

oil on gallery wrap canvas
12'' x 12"

A few weeks ago I was approached by PlusOne Gallery, in London, about possible representation. Needless to say I was very excited about this possibility. When I visited the gallery website, and saw their roster of artists, I was floored. Some of the most noted artists in the "realist" world are shown there. Richard Estes, John Salt and Ralph Goings just to name a few. "This is way out of my league", I thought, and in my mind the phrase, "I'm not worthy", kept repeating.

My insecurity aside, they've asked to see a few paintings in order to make their decision. I've been working on three, and will post them here as each is completed. I've decided to stay within my comfort zone here, and stick to popular themes. Post number one, Light Bulbs. I hope they like it. This piece will be followed by something reflective, with a pool ball to complete the trio. These paintings will be shipped together when all three are finished. If they say, "yes" then I will amend these posts with contact information to the gallery, for those who may be interested in the purchase of one of these paintings.


  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Neil, should your work be on display in London, I'd be keen to go have a look. Will you post on the site as & when this happens? Many thanks

  2. Oh WOW! I've known about this gallery for a liitle while. They are like the O.K. Harris Gallery of England. And you've mentionned Pedro Campos once in a blog.....who is represented by them. Best of luck in your submission - YOU ARE WORTHY!

  3. I guess we all have our insecurities - but let me join with everyone who views your work to let you know that your work is superb, and you more than deserve to be hung with the artists you mentioned.

  4. Congratulations Neil, PlusOne gallery looks like a really good gallery to be part of.

    JT :)

  5. Anonymous8:14 AM


    K. : D

  6. Thanks everyone. It's still in the "maybe" stage, but they have responded, and want to see all three to make their decision. Fingers crossed.

  7. Beautiful work Neil!!...I love this piece with the light bulbs, its like having a bowl of eyeballs staring back at me.
