Friday, August 17, 2007

PB&J No.5

oil on gallery wrap canvas
12'' x 24"

I'm getting away from the Wynne/Falconer pieces for a little while, and have decided to put up some of the work I've been doing for Stricoff in New York. I've been fortunate in that all of the paintings I've delivered to them so far have sold quickly. Realtively speaking. PB&J No. 5 was just shipped, and should arrive - hopefully - by saturday. This is one of six paintings I have in the works. The other five are in various stages completion. If I can keep myself motivated, I should be able to deliver these by the end of the month. If you have an interest in purchasing this piece you'll find contact information for the gallery by clicking here. I'll be posting images of the remaing paintings as they are completed.


  1. Why am I suddenly so hungry?

  2. Thought I'd check in again and say a resounding WOW! I've been under the radar from commenting because it's always the same ol thing when I visit your sight..that is, absolutely beautiful paintings executed by the hand of a gifted modern day master. These blow me away, as usual. really spectacular and inspiring.

    All my best to you.
    (p.s. I'll be stopping by the Wynn/Falconer in mid September)

  3. wow! your paintings - they are better then life. I really like your style and the choice of subject matter

  4. really incredible, nice work! :)
