Monday, August 13, 2007

Bob's Kettle

oil on gallery wrap canvas
12'' x 12"

This is the sixth of the completed paintings for the show at Wynne/Falconer gallery. I think this falls into the "muted" palette category I wrote of in an earlier post. It was fun to do a larger reflective piece again, and really get the whole room into the image. This kettle was on loan from Bob Deyber's collection of highly reflective items. He's got some really nice objects, and has generously offered me the loan of these for subjects of future paintings. If you are interested in purchasing this painting you can find gallery contact information by clicking here. The gallery has asked me to state to potential buyers, that any painting purchased prior to the show must remain in the gallery for the duration of the show.


  1. This is so visually interesting!

  2. I really wonder how you do it over and over again. This is so beautifull! I wish you a lot of success with your show. You are a great, great artist!

  3. Neil, your work is absolutely stunning. I used to paint tight similar to how you paint but as time has gone by I just don't have the patience anymore. I'm sure that success is absolute with your upcoming show.

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Yeah, I can like that one, even though its a bit too photoish for my taste (no offense..):) I think youre good, in fact very good. I hope your show will be a blast. Take care.

