Saturday, June 02, 2007

PB&J No. 4

oil on canvas
10'' x 10"

Here is another of the upcoming group I'll be sending to Twinhouse. PB&J No. 4. I first became aware of this subject through the work of artist Duane Keiser. I discovered his peanut butter paintings listed on ebay by chance, and was inspired to pursue this theme myself. It's a subject I enjoy, and plan to visit often in the future. I'm going to wait, and deliver these paintings together when the group is complete. If you're interested in the purchase of this piece, you can contact Tiffany at Twinhouse Gallery by clicking here.


  1. This is making me so hungry right now. Excellent job, Neil.

  2. This is great and can't help but make one smile.

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I really like this one.

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Neil, you crazy painter guy, someday one of us is going to choke over this magic stuff you do. Stop it!
    (Plain English: Awesome artist, please keep it up! )

  5. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I don't know how you make it look so real. It must take a very long time.
