Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tomato on the Edge

oil on canvas
10'' x 10"

I'd like to thank everybody who took the time to "comment" on the painting in the previous post. I received a lot of good advice and positive feedback about the Chevy. I appreciate it. I'm not sure what I'll do with the painting. To tell you the truth, for the moment, I'm really pretty happy just having it hang in my office.
Above is the first post of five new paintings I have earmarked for Twinhouse. A small, really perfect tomato I picked up at the Kroger. This hasn't been delivered to the gallery as yet. I'm going to wait, and take them in together when the group is complete. If you're interested in the purchase of this piece, you can contact Tiffany at Twinhouse by clicking here.


  1. Man, that tomato IS perfect.

  2. Definitely perfect - the light, the colours, the setting.... my favourite part has to be the shadow of the tomato though....

  3. You sat Tomato...I say, WOW! Thats a helluva painting. By the way, your Chevy painting is quite near a masterpiece in my opinion, unbelievable brilliant piece. You should be proud to have it hang in your office.


  4. Anonymous6:49 PM

    lovely composition too!

  5. I'm new to your site, so I don't know if this is something you've done in the past, but do you ever share any tips with beginner painters on how you achieve these amazing works? I do paint as a hobby, and would like to improve, but currently am not in a position to be able to attend a class. Would love to know more about techniques and even the mindset used when going about creating these pieces. Of course, it's perfectly understandable if it's too time consuming to do that, or if you don't want to give away your secrets : )

    Beautiful work!

  6. Love the composition. Unorthodox, but that's what gives it tension. It feels like watching a baby dangling by the windowsill. Makes you want to rush over to pull it back. Well done.
