oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"
Tonight it's reflection rather than refraction. I like shiny, and coffee percolators are shiny. I've picked three of my favorites for this composition.
I'll be painting "studies" in the coming weeks to test some ideas for larger paintings I plan to use for a show at Twinhouse in January 2007. Since I intend to use a square format for all of the paintings in that show, I felt the six by six size I've been using for my auctions would be a good platform to experiment with theme and composition.
We all like shiny!!!
Exceptional - well done.
WOW! indeed.
Dear Mr. Hollingsworth,
I just wanted to say I admire your Three Percololators. A friend of mine recommended me to your site this morning. There seem to be a lot of painting-a-day sites lately but yours is of a very high standard.
I've got a number of Duane Keiser's works; I have a couple of them posted on my website www.petersoncollection.org. More will be posted in a couple of weeks when I complete an update to the site. In my opinion Duane, Jeff Hayes and you do really excellent work.
All the best,
Gregory Peterson
some of the best refined reflective metal work yet...
well done..
Oh my. I check in everyday and this one is more than stunning. I've done a fair amount of chrome and this one speaks to me.
Thanks all! I do like the shiny stuff.
You are probably tired at this stage to read how lovely your paintings are, but may I just say that they all are absolutely adorable! And stating the obvious I'll add that you have a fantastic detail in them:).
This work is astounding! I will visit here often!
Love how you've worked all the contrasts: size of items in compo...extremes in lights & darks...warm & cool color. Great piece!
You know Neil, we *all* love shiny when you paint it. It's making me reach for the chrome polish and a camera... great art, as always.
Really an exemplary work! I'm awed. :-)
I just can't believe these are paintings you are making. I have never seen anything like it. I used to think the skill of the old European painters was largely (though not entirely) replaced by self-expression without technical skill. Your work is of the highest technical skill (bordering on unbelievable!) and yet moves us just as much as any other style. Bravo.
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