oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"
The Japanese maple in our backyard is in its' full autumn glory, and I couldn't help but try and reproduce that beauty on a six by six inch square of masonite. The sun was just above the horizon, and this view was from beneath the canopy, with the light shining through the leaves. The effect was akin to a stained glass window.
I really am drawn to this piece because of my love of and collection of japanese woodblock prints. A lot of my latest work is beginning to reflect that as well, so being in that zone, this new piece of yours really struck a chord. Wonderful! As well as the use of a solid black background which is something I told Karin was a method all artists should try at least once. It really gives you a whole new appreciation for the colors and design in the leaves. This work is gorgeous, Neil. :o)
You've picked a subject I would have loved to do but have never found with the right light in a place where I can draw/paint it. Which means I'm envious!
Lovely painting - and I particularly like the composition.
the leaves are like jewels...a beautiful way to capture the essense of Fall
When I look at this little jewel of a painting, I can smell them in the sun, and hear them in the wind. They are so perfect. Nice art, as always, my friend.
I was having withdrawal, not seeing a new painting for several days. Worth the wait.
that's schweet~ my Japanese maples aren't there yet, as I'm in a warmer climate, I guess. but yeah. your painting's looking good, as always.
Thanks guys! This one was just for fun. Finally got a chance to use some color.
That color like fire through the leaves is so beautiful. I think it's why I've always loved Japanese maples.
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