Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Blue Spiral

Blue Spiral  |  18 x 24  |  Oil on panel

In my eBay days when I was just getting started with my art career I painted a handful of "urban landscape" paintings. Mostly just closely cropped front doors and stairways. In time I moved to still life and have stayed there, until now. Karen and I had recently been in Asheville visiting her sister Robin and her husband, my ex business partner, high school buddy and best friend Michel. When we're there we always spend a good bit of time visiting the local art galleries. As we were entering one of our favorite galleries, Blue Spiral, I was struck by the beauty of the beefy bronze handle on the front door and the reflection of the street in the windows. I took out my phone and took a few shots in case it had some potential as a painting. Back home I downloaded the images and thought to myself, "I've got to try this". Anyway, this is the result. I hope this is something because I'd really like to try it again. 

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