Thursday, June 24, 2021

Karin Jurick


In the early 2000's my wife Karen and I were just beginning our art carriers auctioning our paintings on eBay. Part of that experience was searching eBay for other artists. It was a productive exercise that turned us on to a wealth of new talent. One day I came across the painting above and asked (practically begged) Karen to split the cost of it if we were to have the winning bid. We won the auction and when we contacted the artist discovered she lived just across town. She said she was a huge fan of our work and would love to deliver the painting herself. A week or so later Karin Jurick showed up at our door and twenty years later was still one of our closest and dearest friends. Tragically, a few days ago she suddenly passed away.

Karin was a remarkable woman to say the least. She was tough but had a huge heart. She was funny, smart witty and a true genius at painting. Karin was a virtuoso with a paint brush. Karen and I would watch her paint on occasion and we would just sit there with our mouths open in awe. Karin was also one of Karen's most trusted advisors. If Karen had a question, about practically anything, Karin would always give her her honest opinion on that subject. Karin had a way of cutting through the BS, so you knew when she spoke it was the laser focused truth. 

We shared numerous shows with her and took quite a few trips to the beach with her and Brett her partner of thirty years. Karen and I would frequently meet on their side of town for lunch at their (and our) favorite Mexican restaurant. I can't tell you how much I looked forward to those visits, or describe the size of the hole her passing has left in my heart. I love you Karin.


  1. This breaks my heart. I am so sad to learn this. I exchanged countless emails with her, she was so generous with her advice and wisdom.

  2. So sad to read the news. She was a great talent.

  3. I loved seeing her paintings with her explanations about the masters in my inbox. She was an exceptional talent! So sad.

  4. I am so sad to hear this. I knew Karin from the amazing work that she created and from a few encouraging emails that we exchanged years ago. Her work was so inspiring. My condolences to her family and friends who knew her more than by her beautiful art.
