Monday, December 21, 2020


Bread  |  16 x 16  |  oil on panel


My last painting of 2020. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. Anyway, Karen really wanted me to paint some bread again, so I obliged. One of my more funner subjects to paint.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, "it's been a strange year". I'm very fortunate that I have my painting to keep me centered. I'm keeping a glass half full kind of attitude these days, believing that 2021 will, for the most part, prove to be a less interesting year (for all of us). Before I go I'd like to thank everyone who visited my social media sites these last twelve months. It's very encouraging to see the "likes" and read your wonderful comments. I'll be back here again in January with a somewhat larger piece that should warrant some "work in progress" posts. 

So, Happy Holidays . . . and have a Happy NEW Year!


  1. Wow! Such realistic paintwork. It seems so vivid and alive. Very professional touching I must say. I'm mesmerized by your paint. Though I'm not good at art & paintwork as I'm working with different platforms such as Image post-production and so on. Anyways, very good sharing, please keep sharing. I'll definitely visit your blog again.image post production

  2. A very nice painting work.There is a touch of professional work in the paint.Thank you so much for posting a very nice post.
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