Friday, June 19, 2020


Artist Katie Koenig came up with the idea of a socially distanced art show. It's an online small works exhibition with all the proceeds of the sales to go to the artists. Karen and I both agreed to participate. The show will run from June 19th to the 26th. There's a lot of good art, so if you want to check it out here's the link.

Coke Straw No. 2  |   12 x 12  |  oil on panel


  1. Wow! Such amazing paint work. It seems so vivid and alive. Very sharp and professional touching I must say. I'm mesmerized by your paint. Though I'm not good at art & paintwork as I'm working with different platforms such as Image post-production and so on. Anyways, very good sharing, please keep sharing. I'll definitely visit your blog again.image post production

  2. It was very nice to see the work of a very beautiful painting..Your works are really nice.
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