Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Karen's Solo Show at Principle Gallery

Skies Clear

Karen and I were in Charleston this weekend to attend the reception for her solo show at Principle Gallery. We had been sweating the weather during the preceding week convinced that the show would be "rained out" by what looked like, on radar, to be a significant storm scheduled to arrive just about the time the show was to begin.


As luck would have it the inclement weather cleared out a few hours before the show and left us with a perfect evening. In fact the entire weekend, weatherwise, was gorgeous. We arrived to find Frank and Thomas had done a beautiful job of hanging the show, and after catching up on the news of the past year Karen and I headed down King Street to CO, our favorite Charleston restaurant for two bowls of Curry Laksa.

Gallery Fills

In the past we had had use of an apartment the gallery owned located directly above the gallery. A very nice and unbelievably convenient place to stay when we were in town. Unfortunately, for us, the ownership of the building had just changed hands and the apartment was gone, so we were on our own to find lodging. Happily Frank, who I believe is really a wizard, worked a deal for us to stay at the Spectator Hotel just a couple of blocks down from the gallery. Nicest hotel we've ever stayed in. Ever. It even provided the services of a butler. A butler! 

Karen and Thomas

Rested and groomed for the evening we left the hotel around five and walked down the street for the opening. It wasn't long before the gallery began to fill and Frank and Thomas started to work the room. By the time the doors were closing Karen had sold three paintings with two more on hold. 

Eric was there as always to serve drinks

Frank had arranged for Karen to attend a "Meet and Greet" at the French Quarter Inn on Saturday so that gave us another day to spend in Charleston. For us that means visiting as many art galleries as we can with lunch at the Brown Dog Deli somewhere in-between. 


Saturday went great. As I mentioned before the weather was perfect and our day went as planned. Saw a lot of good "art". We were fortunate in that one of our favorite artists, Jeffery Larson and his son Brock, were having a show at Helana Fox Fine Art. We also had a long visit with Robert Lange at his gallery Robert Lange Studios. They were having a show that weekend entitled Shiny Stuff which included collaborative pieces created by Robert Lange and Nathan Durfee, and work by George Ayers. RLS is always one of the highlights of our trips to Charleston.

Karen and Guest

At five thirty we headed around the corner from our hotel to the French Quarter Inn. The Meet and Greet was set up in the lobby. Frank had brought over three paintings from the gallery and Karen mingled with the guests, answered questions, and received compliments about her work for about an hour and a half. A nice low key event to wrap up her show.


Karen and I had picked up a couple of "Wacky Jackies" from the Brown Dog Deli earlier and stashed them in the little fridge in our room, so after the Meet and Greet we went back to our room for dinner and call it a night.

Karen and Guest

My "payment" for helping Karen with her shows is breakfast at Eli's Table. We'er both vegans, but I do eat eggs on two occasions. One is when my brother comes into town from New York and needs his Waffle House fix and the other is when we attend Karen's show in Charleston and I order the Wild Mushroom Omelet at Eli's Table. I'm ashamed to admit this, but now it's out.

Meet and Greet

Frank new we'd be at Eli's Sunday morning and joined us for breakfast. Afterward we thanked him and Thomas for all there help putting together the show, said our goodbye's then headed back home with a good book on "tape".  A really, really nice weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Karen on her show. Charleston is a stunning city to visit, glad to hear that you had a great weekend!
