Tuesday, March 03, 2015

City of Charleston No. 2: Complete

City of Charleston No. 2   |   30 x 40   |   Oil on canvas

Thirty two days and it's finally complete. This will be the final painting for the show Karen and I will be sharing at Principle Gallery in Charleston April 3rd. Now it's time to get busy for our other show this year at Tree's Place Gallery July 25th. I plan to do smaller framed pieces this year like I did for the Charleston show. That was really fun and it will also allow me to provide new work to C. K. Contemporary and Reh's Gallery during those months. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello My name is Chun. I've been a fan of your work for a long time, but I haven't visited your blog in a while because I don't use blogger very often anymore. But I would love to ask you if you could consider joining a Facebook group for artists. Here is the link.


    It's a small group but full of talented people. Thanks.
