Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Vertical Loaf

Vertical Loaf  |  12 x 12  |  Oil on panel

Well, even with all of the holiday goings on, I still managed to get all five of these little paintings done before my end of the year deadline. I was hurrying through these in order to meet a show date for the first of February. Now it seems that date has been pushed back until the first week in April. I'll post more about the show Karen and I will be sharing at Principle Gallery in Charleston as the event draws closer. 

So, I guess that's it for 2014. Thank you all for visiting my various sites throughout the year, registering "likes" and leaving all those wonderfully positive comments. They really mean a lot to me. Hope you all had a great year and here's wishing you a happy 2015!


  1. Bonsoir,

    Je suis simplement sous le charme et la fascination de l'excellent travail...

    Gros bisous ♡
