Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Farewell to James McLaughlin Way

I received word last night that James McLaughlin Way had died earlier that morning. He was a sweet man and a truly gifted artist. Karen and I had the privilege of meeting him on two occasions when he was living and showing his work here in Atlanta. We both considered it an honor to have had our work in the same gallery next to his. Whenever we had reason to go to the gallery, the first thing we would do when we arrived was to search the space for any new "James Way" paintings.



  1. Bonsoir,

    C'est toujours une grande tristesse d'apprendre le décès d'une personne et encore davantage lorsqu'on a eu la chance de la côtoyer. Cet homme que je ne connaissais pas était sans aucun doute un grand artiste et il manquera à beaucoup d'entre nous.

    C'est un très bel hommage que vous lui faites...

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. So very sad. What an extraordinary artist, with a family history of far-too-early departures. Condolences on your loss of a friend, and heartfelt sympathy to his family.
