Monday, March 24, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day Twelve

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day Twelve

The last few days were spent finishing up the first pass on the frame and working on the name badges on the fuel tank. If you look closely at the word Triumph on the right hand side you'll see a "shadow". My first attempt at putting in the type was a no go because I didn't center it properly. So, I had to re-measure and paint it in a second time. Even though the type will eventually be a dark charcoal color, I put the name in white to help distinguish it since I was laying it right on top of the previous version. A task that was a little confusing. 

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour,
    Il est toujours très intéressant pour moi de pouvoir admirer l'évolution d'une oeuvre. Merci de partager avec nous votre travail. Le souci du détail est impressionnant.
    bravo ! J'ai hâte d'en voir davantage !
    Gros bisous
