Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day One

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day One

It seemed like a good time to post some "In Progress" images again. It's been a while since I've done this but this composition seemed to be a good one to offer up. I've never painted a motorcycle before and I'm hoping this turns out ok. The drawing is a little wompy, and there are a bunch of spots that have me freaked out. Parts of the engine and fuel tank in particular. Fingers crossed I can "fake" those in a believable way. I'm also trying something new here by placing the subject on a background of solid intense color. The blue areas are painters tape used to ensure a crisp edge on certain components. 


  1. I love the blue highlights in this painting. Great job

  2. Thought maybe this was a foray into Pop Art when it first popped up on the screen! lol!
