Monday, July 15, 2013

A Bowl of Pool Balls

Pool Bowl No. 22  |  18 x 18  |  Oil on panel

It has been ages since I painted a bowl filled with pool balls, but if you check the number of this particular version you'll see that I've spent a lot of time with this subject. So, when Reh's Galleries asked specifically for a new one I jumped at a chance to meet back up with an old friend. 

The Pool Bowl took a full two weeks, longer than I anticipated, and as I completed it I suddenly realized that I was quickly running out of time to complete work for my show at Tree's Place coming up at the end of August. I was hoping to do two more for that show, but I've got a little less than a month to have them all finished, and the one I just started is quite large, so it's going to be close. There's a chance I may come up one short. 2013 has been a year of tight deadlines and it looks as though that trend will continue for some time yet. 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. I want one day paint like you.

    Please visit my blog to

