Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hover  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on canvas

I was really in the mood to paint something with lots of colors, so I went searching for one of my vintage tin toys. This tin top was just what I was looking for. This piece went rather quickly and I've still got about a week before the printers deadline for images to go into the catalog for the Tree's Place Gallery show is up. I think I can squeeze in one more small(ish) painting for them before time runs out. Then I've got to get going on the Pool Bowl painting for Rehs. 


  1. This is fabulous, in a magical, full of a sweet sense of wonder sort of way. You are not only a great painter, but your vision of what is paintable inspires me with every post. Bravo.

  2. i like the vivid colors and the great composition!
    very stunning!
