Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hover  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on canvas

I was really in the mood to paint something with lots of colors, so I went searching for one of my vintage tin toys. This tin top was just what I was looking for. This piece went rather quickly and I've still got about a week before the printers deadline for images to go into the catalog for the Tree's Place Gallery show is up. I think I can squeeze in one more small(ish) painting for them before time runs out. Then I've got to get going on the Pool Bowl painting for Rehs. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Vintage  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on canvas

Tree's Place Gallery is producing a catalog for the show they are having for Karen and I in August, and their printer needs as many images as he can get before the end of the month in order to have the piece ready in time to promote our show. I've got two weeks left and I'm hoping I can get one more done by the deadline. Once this printing deadline is past, I need to get a couple of paintings to Rehs Gallery before I return to work completing the show for Tree's. When that is done I'll start to work on paintings for C. K. Contemporary. They've been incredibly patient and have earned some serious attention. 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Heinz  |  24 x 24  |  oil on panel

So, this isn't a Pool Bowl painting. I received word from Tree's Place that they were producing a catalog to advertise our show there this fall. They needed to have as many images of paintings as they could get, as quickly as possible, in order to meet their printers deadline. I knew they would be printing some type of promotional material, but I didn't realize that they would need the images so soon. The deadline is the end of June, so I had to re-think my painting plans and get back to work for the show. 

As if the deadline wasn't enough pressure, this piece proved to be a real bear to paint. Some paintings flow along smoothly as you and the canvas work together as a team and others, like this one, fight you every inch of the way. I'm claiming victory, but it was an epic battle.