Monday, April 29, 2013

Delta Sky Club Commission: Painting No. 4 - Wing

Delta Commission: Wing  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on panel

In the final stretch. I've been going back and forth with the last two paintings, working on various parts of one while various parts of the other were drying. Number five will be completed today, which coincidentally is my deadline day to finish. Whew! This commission took every minute of my allotted time. Now all I have to do is let them dry, varnish and deliver. If these are in the hands of the client on the 9th I'll breath a huge sigh of relief. I might even take a day off and go see a movie.


  1. As always Awesome!!!

  2. Votre travail est vraiment extraordinaire...
    Cela mérite bien un peu de repos !
    Gros bisous
