Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sunbeam Mixer No.2: in Progress Day 7

Sunbeam Mixer No.2  |  24 x 24  |  oil on panel  |  in Progress: Day 7

Moving along. I finished up the first pass yesterday, and worked a little on the second pass of the handle. I'm still not sure how I'm going to treat the background. I thought I liked this pale green, but it looks a bit washed out, so I'll probably play with some different colors until I come up with something that works. As with the Coke in progress updates, I'll probably stop here and then reveal the final painting when it's complete. I think the images from here on in will look so similar that they will all tend to meld together. Be back in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. J'ai vraiment hâte de voir cette peinture achevée...
    Elle est déjà merveilleuse. Beau travail,
    Gros bisous
