Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Coke Classic In Progress: Day Three

Coca Cola Classic  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel  |  In Progress: Day Three

I'm starting off 2013 with a commission. This will be another of my Classic Coke series, which is essentially variations on a carton of empty Coca Cola bottles. It's been a while since I've posted "in progress" images of one of my paintings, and I thought it was time to try it again. This is the piece at the end of the third day of painting. I will usually do two, occasionally three, passes to complete a piece. At this point I've transferred the drawing to the panel, laid in the background color, painted the type and carton color with acrylic and started the glass on the full bottle. I've never begun with an acrylic layer before, but my friend Jeff Cohen swears by it, so I thought I'd give a go. I don't plan to post each days progress, but I hope to show enough steps to give an idea of how one of these paintings evolves.

Coinage No.2  |  12 x 12  |  Oil on panel

Even with the goings on during the holidays I managed to get in one more painting before the end of the year. This is a commission for one of my best friends. He's had an interest in coins for a long time and asked me to put something together using these three. I'll be delivering it to him on Saturday. Hope he likes it.


  1. Wow, James. The coins are beautiful and unique. And thank you for the insight into your working method on the Coke bottles. I have a question: how do you transfer the drawing to the board when such accuracy is required? I think a projector would not be precise enough, so is tracing the best way? Thanks in advance, and I understand if you want to keep this private.. ;)

  2. I too would like to know your transfer process if it ain't proprietary. ;o)

  3. I would really like to see your progress on the coke bottle painting. Your paintings are so realistic. Please share any tips that will help me learn to paint. Also, I am interested in knowing how you like starting with the acrylic base

  4. Very nice! Painting photo-realistically is really your thing.

  5. Paintings for Sale
    I am greatly touched by your arts. iwant put one question above shirley peters how do you transfer the drawing to the board when such accuracy is required?

  6. In the old days I drew right onto the canvas, then I tried using a grid for larger more complicated paintings, after that I used tracing paper, reversed it then burnished the drawing onto the canvas, and finally settled on an opaque projector.
