Wednesday, October 05, 2011

I'm interviewed by ArtBookGuy

I was recently contacted by Michael K. Corbin to do an interview for his website ArtBookGuy. Michael is a writer specializing in books about art. In his own words, "Ultimately, ArtBookGuy is a brand ... a campaign and movement backed by my slogan, "Art For All People." Spreading art appreciation by turning folks on to emerging artists. No fear or snobbery. It teaches that art has unique power to unite us and change lives and the world. Human".

Michael is a great guy, and we had a good time discussing . . . me. So, if you have any interest in what I may have to say about my own paintings you can read the interview here. Karen was interviewed a few weeks earlier by Michael, and you can read her interview here.

I've got a few more paintings ready for the ebay auction block, and I'll begin listing them next Monday. As those auctions run in the background, I'll be doing some photography. I've picked up some new items as subject matter for paintings, and I'm excited to see how they are going to work.


  1. GREAT interview, and I actually picked up a couple of ideas that I'm going to 'give a go'. Your use of color(s) other than black for your background is where I'm headed. I too want the objects that I do 'off old paper' to stand on their own. You and Teresa Fischer are where I'm looking primarily, but since this interview was all about you...

  2. Really enjoyed the article.

  3. Of course, what a great site and informative posts, I will add backlink - bookmark this site?

