Wednesday, July 20, 2011

study for Mule No.3

study for Mule No.3: 6 x 6 - oil on panel

I've been thinking of painting another Mule, so I did a small "study" of the head to get into the groove. I'm not sure if I'll do the mule's entire body, or just its' head. I'll just have to wait and see how I feel when the time comes. If you'd like to bid on this painting, click here.


  1. I hope each and every day, someone somewhere reminds you what an amaing painter you are. I come here for my daily dose of miracle.

  2. Perfect!love the way you have cropped it .Textures ,colors,shapes and shadows all add great intrest as well.

  3. Thank you both for those great comments. I really appreciate it. Neil

  4. Do you know, I have never seen a mule in real life? They always look appealing to me. And your painting makes them even more so. You've made that nose so soft and touchable.

  5. your attention to detail is inspiring!

  6. the mule's skin is almost glowing. it's like ceramic skin with hair... but in a vary good way.

    great study,
