Monday, May 02, 2011

Cory Electric

18 x 24 oil on panel

Every once in a while I work on a painting that is just snakebit. The process goes wrong from the very beginning. This has proved to be one of those paintings. Most often, by it's completion, the painting has been salvaged, but there are occasions when the canvas will get the rag. I won't go into the full litany of problems I've encountered with this piece, but suffice it to say it's been fighting me every inch of the way. Part of the problem was the surface and the panels' construction, another, to be honest, was me, and most recently an incorrect use of a medium. I never use a medium, but thought with this painting it was a good idea. I'm currently waiting to see if I made the right decision. I went ahead and posted the image today because even though there are still problems to be solved, I think it's a good painting, and believe it can be saved.


  1. This is beautiful! Don't see any problems that need to be solved. :)
    Love your work.

  2. I think it's gorgeous!

  3. Whatever problems you envision are completely beyond my perseption. The painting looks great. Frankly, I don't know how you get as much detail as you do without using a medium.

  4. I think it is an amazing painting! The problems you see must be those problems that only the artist can see :) Which are always the "worst"problems.
    Good luck finishing this painting!

  5. I would actually love to hear the issues you had. I will be making the switch to oils eventually and I enjoy hearing about each artist's preferences and the trials/errors/frustrations they have encountered so I'm not blind-sided when I arrive there as well one day... especially with mediums.

  6. I like your painting! I agree! It is gorgeous!...Daniel

  7. All your paintings completely blow me away!! This one is no exception and I cant imagine what needs to be done to it to make it 'right'! Phenomenal x

  8. Neil, it looks beautiful! But I know what you mean. I've already scrapped two paintings today and started over, and it's only 2:00!
    How do you get such great photos of dark backgrounds? I find it such a headache.

  9. This is perfect!!! I think it's ready to be displayed for the whole world to see. =)
