Saturday, March 05, 2011

Ketchup No.2: Complete

16 x 20 oil on hardboard panel

I am really tempted to continue on and work this one to death, but Karen says, "it's done, move on". If I didn't have a deadline on the next painting, I'd probably override her suggestion and keep refining it. I'm sure she's right. The added work I'd put into this one would probably be lost on everyone else in the world. I had some trouble getting a good photo of this one. It's a bit darker than in person, but it's close. Now it's onto the next piece. Hopefully I'll have an in progress shot in the next few days.


  1. Now I'm really hooked.

  2. A real beauty for sure Neil!!!

  3. Hello, I just found your blog, and your work is AMAZING. Have you thought about doing some video tutorials on here, I would love that.
    Nice to meet you (in blog fashion at least)

  4. Karen is definitely right! I wouldn't generally describe ketchup bottles or salt and pepper shakers as beautiful, but I just love these.

  5. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Honestly, I thought I was looking at a photograph.

  6. Anonymous12:01 AM

    SO REALISTIC! (Forgot to add that)

  7. I can't believe these are not photographs. You are simply amazing.
