Thursday, March 24, 2011

B-25: Complete

24 x 72 oil on canvas

The B-25 is complete. I can't believe I was able to finish it in time for the Realism Show at Mason Murer. Opening night reception is April 8th, and this should give me enough time for the painting to dry and maybe get a coat of varnish on it as well.

detail: nose section

This is by far the largest and most complex painting I've ever done, and I have to say, I've developed a taste for large and complex. I really hope there's a market out there for something like this because I'd love an opportunity to paint this subject much more often.

detail: left engine nacelle and prop

Even though my career as an aircraft mechanic only lasted a few years, I could easily imagine myself in the presence of this plane as I was painting it. All the sights, sounds and smells of working on the flight line came back . . . and it was great. I still kind of miss it.

Now it's time to reduce the scale and get back to work for the July show at Tree's Place on Cape Cod. I'll be shipping them the first five paintings within the week, and should have an image of their sixth painting ready to post in the next few days.


  1. MONSTER painting Mr. Hollingsworth...

    And the best of luck to you for the show and the future with large. Large is sometimes good.

    I think the art audience has come to appreciate the fine in fine art. I consider yours some pretty fine work indeed.

  2. This is amazing! Your not kidding about the detail and I love the crop. May I ask which varnish you use. I am having a hard time finding one I like.

  3. Absolutely stunning Neil. Bravo!

  4. WOW! This is my favorite painting of yours so far. Mostly because I have a love for things flight and vintage related. I would love to see more like this.

  5. Quite the job. Very, very nice. The detail is exquisite and larger sizes seem to becoming more popular now I've noticed in some galleries.

  6. Anonymous2:42 AM

    this is an inspiring painting on so many levels
    wishing you all the best in the show.

  7. A great painting ,I like the way the plane is positioned ,as if its ready for take off.I love planes but strangely have only done one painting of a Cessna some years ago ,but seeing your painting got me thinking of doing another one.

  8. This is amazmo. Really, really beautiful, in subject, color, composition, lighting.... everything. The painting seems - even though the photo probably serves up just a portion of the impact - so lovingly rendered. Congratulations on finishing in time. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

  9. Thanks everyone! What a great response. This will help me muster up the courage to do another.

  10. Absolutely incredible! Your skill is astounding.

  11. Really love the size, detail & composition of this one! Have you considered the American Airlines Museum as a venue? There is one in the Dallas-Ft.Worth area. And again, good luck on your upcoming show!

  12. Neil,
    That thing is smoking hot. Very cool. Darren

  13. Absolutely stunning! This is a great piece that tells so much about you, we can feel it. Best of luck with the coming show.

  14. Fabulous work - I would love to see the original! I am an Australian artist and stumbled onto your blog looking for good artists and I certainly found one. Love the subject, the composition and the fine detail!

  15. Absolutely magnificent!! Always admired your work. Enjoy the show!

  16. Anonymous5:12 AM

    What can I add to the comments ? Your work is just stunning. I have a great admiration for your talent.
    My best wishes for the forthcoming show.
    Bonjour de France.

  17. I love your paintings, I like very much hiperrealism but I don´t have patience enough.

    I follow your paintings, sorry for my english, I´m spanish.

  18. Wow, Neil. Astonishing, really. Are you doing any glazing or is it "alla Prima"? It looks like you're doing it all at once, but the finished effect has so much luminosity, as if you had done some glazing....
    curious...and humbled.

  19. Jesus Neil! Simply stunning, a beautiful piece in every way and if it doesn't sell I will eat your easel ;-)


  20. absolutley great painting,love it

  21. That is really detailed work. I would have never guessed it was a painting. At first glance I thought it was photograph until I read the article. Great work!

  22. Anonymous2:38 AM

    That really is a brilliant painting !!! WELL DONE! and good luck :)

  23. Wow! This is my first time visiting here and at first I thought that I must have clicked the wrong link and had arrived at a photographers site instead! What amazing realism!

  24. There is obviously a lot to know about this.
