Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Making A Mark - Award 2010

6 x 6 oil on hardboard panel

I thought I'd made my last post for the year, but I was talking with Karin Jurick today, and she informed me that one of my paintings was in the running for the, "Best Artwork on A Blog" Award. This award is the brainchild of Katherine Tyrrell, creator of Marking A Mark, one, if not the, best art blogs out there.

Anyone can vote, and there are four categories of genre to chose from. My piece is in the "still life" category, and Karin's is in the "portrait/figures" category. The deadline for voting is coming up quick. Thursday at 6 p.m. (Greenwich Mean Time), so don't delay. I know this is a shameless request for votes, but what can I say.

I'd also like to thank the tireless, tenacious and talented, Belinda Del Pesco for nominating my painting for this award. If you'd like to vote you can visit Katherine's blog by clicking here.

Thanks in advance!


  1. I voted for your fantastic painting. I'm a big Karin Jurick fan, which led me to your painting in the contest. Don't you love the internet?

  2. Hi Neil,
    I already saw that you were nominated and voted for you. Love your work- just beautiful. I got to got to Karin's HHI workshop and heard her raves about you and your wife. Wonderful for you and hope you win!

  3. hi voted for your creativity

  4. WOW!! Really amazing painting. I like it very much. Its really like a Photography. Great work man. Thank You for sharing. ave a look at paintings for sale as they also showcase some great paintings.

  5. WOW!! Really amazing painting. I like it very much. Its really like a Photography. Great work man. Thank You for sharing.Have a look at paintings for sale as they also showcase some great paintings.

  6. this is a Magical change.They make me smile! Oh, your flowers are lovely also!

    Art exhibition
