Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mule in Progress: A few days later

20 x 60 oil on canvas

I have been slowly making my way through the first pass of the Mule. The rigging of the harness is almost done, then it's onto the body. I'll work on it a little more today, then we've got to get ready for the holiday. My brother Doug is coming in from New York, and will be with us until Sunday evening, so the remainder of the week will be spent with family and friends. Really looking forward to it. I'm also really looking forward to getting into the second pass of this painting. I love the second pass. The image above has been cropped in order to show more of the detail. I haven't decided about the background as yet. Dark or light, not sure. I should have another "in progress" pic sometime mid-week. If I buckle down, maybe the completed first pass. Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving.


  1. wow. When I saw you were painting a mule, I was like huh? But this is awesome. Love the progress shots.


  2. I love the intricacy of the harness. I would be so intimidated by all of that. When you've chosen the background, please let us know how you made the decision. Happy thanksgiving and happy painting.

  3. Wonderful painting. Have a great thanksgiving and I keep watching to see your progress.

  4. I would be so intimidated by all of that. Your blog having a great variety of painting. Thanks for charming posting.
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  5. The varied textures of the different parts and materials of the harness are already beautifully asserted. Looking forward how this painting progresses.

  6. thats too beautiful...
    Keep it up..
    Toronto Painter

  7. Anonymous5:58 AM

    What a great piece !

    Loving watching this come together :)

    fellow wildlife artist

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  10. Really great painting, fantastic to see the work. toronto painters
