Sunday, August 22, 2010

just a couple of things

I'll be posting some new ebay paintings starting tomorrow, but in the meantime I wanted to mention a couple of things. A little while back I wrote how my online friend and art colleague Paul Coventry-Brown had his work used on the packaging for Winsor Newton canvas's. Well, I was visiting his blog yesterday and saw that one of his paintings is on the cover of the new Dick Blick catalog. He's an amazing artist, and it's not surprising that they would choose his work for their catalog. Congratulations Paul.

I was on the Elliot Fouts Gallery website the other day, checking the dates of the Still Life Show I'll be participating in in October, and realized that in addition to Paul Brown and Chris Stott, two more of my online art friends will be taking part in the show. Alvin Richard and Otto Lange will also be showing their work. Four great guys, and four top notch realist painters. I'm really excited to see what they all create for the show. There are many more artists involved, and I've put up a page on my website with links to all the participants. I think it's going to be pretty impressive. Click here to see all the artists websites.

And last but not least Karen has entered into the blogoshpere. I helped her get a site up (which still needs a little tweaking), but has two posts, and many more to come. If you'd like to visit her blog click here.

1 comment:

  1. I've also had contacts with all the other artists that you have mentionned including this is a surreal moment to brought all together for this show that will also include several other amazing artists. It's an honor for me to share wall space with you.....since you're one of the first art blog that I've visited back in 2007 and I have the upmost admiration for your body of work.
