Friday, July 23, 2010

Miniature: Tomato

2 x 3 oil on hardboard panel

. . . and last but not least to finish off my week of miniatures, a gorgeous vine ripened tomato. This was selected from a bag of tomato's given to us by a good friend from his garden.
I've also just completed the first pass on a larger painting I've been working on. It's a 24 x 24 inch version of a six by six I did about a year ago. Every thing is blocked in, all in mid-tones. The first pass is always tough for me. The second and third layers, I have to say, are much more satisfying.
I'm also always convinced that I'm going to screw up a piece like this somehow before it's done, so I rarely post "in progress" images to my blog. I figured this time I'd take a chance, and put up the first stage. I've been putting off this particular composition for some time now, because I wasn't sure of it's mass appeal. I finally made the decision to go ahead, and just do it. For no other reason than I wanted to. This kind of attitude has come back to bite me in the arse in the past, but I figured what the hell. I'll post the image tomorrow.
If you'd like to bid/buy the Tomato, you can find it's listing by clicking here.


  1. love these miniatures James. Spot on.

  2. Would love to see the WIP... Be brave, bring it on.

  3. Fascinating work.
    It has been delightful
    to visit your gallery.
    Good Creations

  4. Simple yet impressive!


  5. Awesome!

    It's always amazing to see so much life in such a small space.

  6. I love these new miniature paintings, do you paint in your sleep too? You seem to get so much work done!!!!
    By the way ..... are you a closet Brit? I thought 'ass' was American for 'arse' ;-)
    Love the new Dumbo and it's amazing how detailed your first pass is (mine look more impressionistic at that stage. Is that on days work ... please say no ;-)
