Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Edible Week: Granny Smith's

6x6 oil on hardboard
Tonight I'm traveling way back to my ebay roots. Back to a time before I became so preoccupied with the specifics of things, and produced a more "compositional" type of painting. Utilizing more of the surrounding elements, and not focusing so much on the thing. I'm not dissing what I do now, but I have to admit, from time to time, I get a serious jones to show more of the setting. So, I painted this bowl of apples. I must say, I really enjoyed working on this painting. It offered me a chance to get a little looser, than I usually work, and just have fun with it. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can take part in the auction by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. I like the compositional approach.
    Quite architectural looking, that one.
