Sunday, May 16, 2010

Broadway and Canal by Jeff Cohen

Broadway and Canal
I've got five new ebay paintings in the works, along with a 6 x 6 commission, so it will be a little while before I get some new images up. That being the case, I thought I'd use this time to brag a little about my friend Jeff Cohen, and publicize his latest painting entitled Broadway and Canal. I hesitate to write that it's the best thing he's ever done, because he's created so many paintings that I would consider masterpiece's. But, this one . . . is a friggin Masterpiece! The sick part is, he makes it look so easy. I've described his technique numerous times in the past in previous blog posts, so I won't go there again now, but Jeff just created a clever new website which illustrates his process beautifully. The URL is If you happen to be a member of FaceBook, you can follow the progress of this painting from start to finish, on his Fan Page. Jeff, you've outdone yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, pal! You and Karen need to come over and see this thing before I ship it out.
