Thursday, April 01, 2010

Sugar Bowl

6 x 6 oil on hardboard
This sugar bowl was part of a collection of silver items given to us by Karen's parents a while back. The gift consisted of some flatware, sugar bowl, creamer and a water pitcher. I love the symmetry of this little silver bowl, with the pineapple finial on top. A really great shape, and the mirrored finish provides a wonderfully distorted view of the surrounding room. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. That's an amazing bowl...wish I could paint even a tiny bit as well. How on earth do you do it!!

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Oh, this is fantastic! You skill in realism blows my mind!

  3. So elegant!

    Brilliant idea having the room in the bowl's reflection! A nice contrast between the two (one being very stately, the other being very homey).

