Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Recent Commission: Pool Balls

6 x 6 each oil on hardboard
I was busy working on one of two commissions this past week, in addition to a couple of new ebay paintings. The commission for the first client was for pool balls, and the second client will be receiving a loaf of bread and a pb&j. Also in the 6 x 6 format. It had been a while since I painted pool balls in a glass bowl, and it was nice to visit them again. I hope to have the next ebay piece ready to go up on thursday, and the second commission paintings should be ready to be posted sometime next week. I also have another small project coming up in the next few weeks, more about that later.


  1. AWESOME! Your pool balls are def my favourite...can't wait to see the pb&j!

  2. Excellent paintings Neil . . . I'm a huge fan.

  3. I never tire of these pool ball paintings. To be honest you could paint just about anything and I'm sure it would sing.
    All the best,

  4. Hey Neil
    Wonderful as usual :-) It looks like you are using the Blick panels. Do you know that you can sand them smoother, I do;-) Probably ... and I am just being daft.

  5. Magnifique, superbe! Beautiful!

  6. This is amazingly realistic!
    I have no words which could describe the excellence of this painting!

  7. потрясающее владение инструментом.чувство цвета и света!Я очень рад, что нашёл ваш блог!
    Вы настоящий мастер!
