Tuesday, February 02, 2010

PB&J No. 14

5.5 x 5.5 oil on hardboard
This is another example of the crop "down" method for ebay. I think working for over a decade as a graphic designer helped me develop an eye for cropping images. It was a task employed on a daily basis. I'm not saying that my particular take on composition appeals to everyone, just saying that I like them. I used to state that I was searching for the heart of the larger image, but I realized very quickly that the large composition has many hearts. If you look close enough, each photograph provides a rich source from which to extract many small paintings. Each substantial, and unique on their own. This snippet comes from a painting I just shipped to Dean Day Gallery in Houston. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. I love this one, the peanut butter looks especially tasty! I can't believe it's so small, it reads as a much bigger painting.

  2. Anonymous2:30 AM

    ahhh to grasp an understanding of the art of composition or the hearts of composition within an image would be wisdom worth having. clearly you are wise:)
    beautiful work...

  3. Neil,
    I think your theory about learning composition skills from your days as a designer are right on. I started as a designer also and tend to crop my images in a similar manner. I have always referred to it as "finding the picture within the picture". I have always admired your work and sense of composition.

  4. I will echo Darren's comment. My work as a graphic designer constantly aids my decisions while painting. I particularly like the negative space you create in these croppings. They feel just right. Thanks, Neil.

  5. James!

    This is just impressive!

    I love the placement of everything especially the knife shooting straight up.

    Perfection! I don't know how you do it!

