Monday, December 14, 2009

Seasons Greetings from CBS

One of my fondest televised recollections of Christmas, was this sixty second holiday greeting aired on CBS in the 6o's. It was such a poignant little animation, I was always surprised that it wasn't resurrected each year. Kudos to CBS at that time, for allotting a minute of airtime just to say "Seasons Greetings". I did a Google search, and found the video on YouTube. I wanted to post it here as my holiday greeting for 2009. For those of you who remember it, I hope it sparks happy memories, and for those who are seeing it for the first time, enjoy. Happy Holidays!


  1. That animation was done by Willis Pyle, who also worked for Disney on Pinocchio, Bambi, Mr. Magoo, The Grinch and more.
    I think he's in his late 80's or 90's and still drawing.

  2. Don't remember this one, most likely I never had an opportunity to see it, tv wasn't on in our house often until mid to late 60's. But I really enjoyed see it now, thank you.

  3. Delightful. I don't remember it, though I certainly was watching TV at that time!! Thanks for posting it.

  4. Lovely touch=) thanks for sharing =)

  5. I do remember this little gem! Thank you for digging it out; it has been years. I remember my chagrin at seeing the man coming with the saw and the happy change of plans! Seasons greetings to you and yours!

  6. It always surprises me how a simple image can have a huge impact. Great memory, thanks for digging this one up and posting it.

    Happy holidays Neil.

  7. How lovely. Thank you, and happy holidays, full of comfort and joy-

  8. lol!!!hahhaa


  9. R. O. Blechman is one of my favorite illustrators, Neil. Thank you for sharing that. I do remember it! I hope you and yours have a lovely and peaceful Christmas.
