Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blocks No.4

blocks no.4
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"
Another day of remodeling. It's kind of strange having other craftsmen working on our home other than me. I spent most of my free time during the first eight years we lived here doing all the remodeling myself. A leak in our master bath was the impetuous for this remodel, and with both of us painting full time, it was necessary to go to a contractor for this job. I have to say, it's wonderful experience watching people at work who really know their job. The tile guys came today, and it's been a joy to watch these artisans practice their craft. They began at nine this morning, and are still at it as I write this post (8:00 p.m.), and the room looks so good. Karen is really happy to finally have the bath she's waited for for so long. Getting back to some art of my own, tonight it's blocks. I've gotten so much positive response from this subject that I've decided to do another. Which is fine with me, because they are fun to paint. If you'd like to take part in the auction of this painting you bid by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Very nicely done! Makes me think I should paint some blocks myself and try get the realism you seem to accomplish so effortlessly. I love your work in general.


  2. Neil, this piece is really nice, my friend! Love the design.

  3. Wow! Some amazing effects. Definitely some great ideas here. Thanks for sharing!

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