Friday, November 13, 2009

Black Grapes

black grapes
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"
It's funny how one of the most common themes in still life paintings, down through the ages, has been the grape, and yet I have never painted them. I'm not sure why. Plenty of other fruits, and lots of cherries, but no grapes. When I recently came across these beautiful black grapes at COSTCO, I knew I would have to give them a try. Those wonderful frosty blues, and hints of alizarin crimson were irresistible. Can't wait to do another. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can participate in the auction by clicking here.


  1. Wow. Great painting! These look so real. I have some grapes in my fridge at the moment. I must go and eat some.

  2. This timeless subject has waited patiently through the ages to be taken up by you as a subject....It's about time! :)

    Great work James!

  3. I am easly reminded how the skin of some I had not long ago was just taught enough to give a nice "pop" upon biting them. Nice, very nice.

  4. A stunning piece Neil! I have a photo of grapes waiting to be painted on my hard drive.
    I haven't visited your blog for a while. I'm glad I stopped by. Your work has always inspired me to push my boundaries.

  5. You nailed the colours here Neil. I tried some plums once .... gave up ;-)

  6. Great stuff, Neil! Suddenly my mouth is watering.

  7. Wow, awsome painting. It looks so real!

  8. Absolutely stunning - could reach out and pluck one!
