Sunday, October 18, 2009

Anne Irwin Debut

some of the paintings from the show at Anne Irwin Fine Art

The debut show of my work at Anne Irwin Fine Art was friday night. Anne, Tiffany and Sybil had done a beautiful job hanging the paintings. My loyal cadre of intrepid friends, and family braved a rather cold drizzly night to attend, and show their support. They were augmented by a modest, but extremely warm, and friendly band of gallery goers. Each of them eager to let me know how much they admired my work. They were all very sweet, and it was great to hear so many favorable critiques. Listening to these positive comments really helps to substantiate ones hope that what you do is working. A constant question in the back of my mind. It's also wonderful to hear that your work affects people in such a positive way. It doesn't get much better than observing an art patron walk up to one of your paintings, and react with a smile.

p.s. I also sold a painting that night. The Half Perc.


  1. Congratulations on the show! I wish I could be there in person to see your work up close. It really does inspire me. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Congratulations on the show and the sale. Well deserved because your work is an inspiration. I love how you bring a still life to life!

  3. Congrats, Neil! I'm glad you had a good showing. The Anne Irwin Gallery seems to be the place to be in Hotlanta these days!

  4. Congratulations on your show! Your work is unique and beautifully executed. It shows a definite point of view that is engaging.

  5. Excellent body of work for your show, Neil. Glad it was a success . . . the sale was well deserved.
    Keep up the great work . . . it's always a joy to receive your blog with new paintings. . . like Xmas every time.

  6. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the kind words. Nigel good luck with your show at GX Gallery on the 23rd. You've got an incredible group of paintings. I know you'll do well.

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  8. Wow, thats amazing.I love the way you write.

    Art exhibition
