Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pears in the Sun

Pears in the Sun
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

Working on this little painting took me back in time to my early days on ebay. While updating my website recently, I rediscovered many of my early ebay pieces, and they made me realize how much I missed those brightly lit pieces of fruit on the bench near our bay window. So, I decided to return to my roots, and paint a couple of sunny pears. I had forgotten how much fun it was to sink your paintbrush into a juicy pear.


  1. Hi, I just wanted share with you my delight in seeing this painting this morning. I really like how you have included a background environment to this painting, it feels full of life.

    Have a nice day, Liz

  2. Green never looked so good Neil. Lovely work.

  3. Love the light, really nice. I love all of your work, but especially fond of the Pears.
