Monday, May 04, 2009

Pool Bowl No.11

Pool Bowl No.11
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

My plan was to post this on Friday night, but it wasn't finished to my satisfaction. So, I decided to work on it some more over the weekend. I'm glad I waited. The additional work made a big difference. In addition to this I completed the update to my website, and also worked on drawings for new paintings intended for the galleries. The problem I'm having now is choosing my favorite compositions. Sometimes I have so many "good" images to choose from, that it's difficult to make the decision of which ones to actually paint. Or at least which one to do first. My internal dialogue usually starts with, does it satisfy my own creative needs, then works its' way into the compositions marketability, and potential to please the gallery. In the end, it's usually a combination of the three. Hope I make a good decision with this current batch. If you'd like to bid on the painting above, you can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous, Neil!
    Trust your internal has been serving you very well!

  2. I admired much for your staidness and talent for your great oil painting compositions...

  3. Excellent work as usual :)

  4. Stunning!! I love this piece and your use of colour.

  5. Thanks guys! I do love the pool balls.

  6. Very nice work Neil, I especially like the 'Play' painting of the old spinning top, quite stunning. Simple but a great composition too.

  7. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The "eight ball" is looking a tad bit green, although the computer monitor always distorts actual color. The circle/ellipse around the "8" is also a bit distorted for a circle/ellipse. Love your work but this one could have been a smidgen better. Just constructive criticism, like I said I love your work.

  8. This is outstanding!
