Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update: ebay, friends & dino bones

Stacked Bread No. 2
oil on canvas
10'' x 10"

The third commissioned piece is nearing completion, and I should have an image of that in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I've gotten back a few gallery paintings, and I've decided to auction them on ebay. Stacked Bread No. 2 will be the first. There will be three in total. Two paintings at 12 x 12, and one at 10 x 10. These will all be offered with a reserve price of $500 for the 10 inchers, and $700 for the 12's. If you'd like to bid on this first piece you can access the auction by clicking here.

In other news, our friend Robert Deyber just announced the publication of his first hardbound book of select paintings. Production was handled through his gallery, Martin Lawrence, and it's titled, A Language All His Own. Our copy arrived a few days ago, and it's terrific. The book is layed out beautifully, and the reproductions are gorgeous. Karen and I are so happy to see our good friend doing so well. Congratulations Bob, "you're the man"!

Thicket - by Jeff Cohen
oil and encaustic on panel
48'' x 48"

Our friends Jeff and Leslie Cohen have joined the blogoshpere. Welcome to the Monkey House was launched on March 14th, and will be a combined effort of the both of them. Thicket will be sent to Alan Avery Gallery for his April 17th show.

Waiting for Burritos - by Leslie Cohen
oil on canvas
8'' x 8"

Jeff and Leslie are two of the most entertaining, and talented people we know, and I'm sure this site will provide informative amusing prose, as well as their beautiful artwork. If you'd like to participate in the auction for Leslie's painting, Waiting for Burritos, you can bid by clicking here.

Tellus: Northwest Georgia Science Museum

One of the more unexpected moments of the last week began as Karen and I were in the waiting room of the doctors office. I was leafing through a magazine when I came across an article that included pictures of dinosaurs. I am a sucker for dinosaurs. So I'm reading the article about this new science museum that had just opened north of Atlanta, when it mentions the name of the executive director, Jose Santmaria. Jose and I went to high school together. He and I had kept in in touch up until the eighties, but eventually we lost contact with each other. When I read his name in the article, I couldn't wait to get home, and give him a call. It was great to hear his voice again, and we had a good conversation. Before we ended the call we made plans for Karen and I to come up, some time in the near future, visit the museum, and get reacquainted. The name of the facility is Tellus: Northwest Georgia Science Museum, and I can't wait.

Continuing on with the paleontological theme, I received a very nice email from artist Darren Maurer a couple of weeks ago in refrence to the first of my Chicago commissions, titled Discovery. He was very complimentary of the work, and surprised to read that I had such an interest in science. As it turns out Darren is an amateur paleontologist. He is part of a group of four fossil hunters that spend all of their free time between April and October at one several dig sites in western South Dakota. His group was responsible for the discovery of the creature on the cover of the December 2007 issue of National Geographic magazine! That is so cool. Thanks Darren for the kind words about my painting. Good luck this season.

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