Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sliced Bread No.2

Sliced Bread No. 2
oil on canvas
12'' x 12"

And finally the third ebay painting for this week, Sliced Bread No.2. This will be the final large painting on canvas to be listed on ebay for a while. The Chicago commission is getting closer to completion, and I plan to get back to multiple small paintings on hardboard for auction once it's done. I'll also have to get busy producing new work for the galleries. These commissions have taken me out of the loop for sometime, and I need to start concentrating on all of them. I must admit I'm going to miss this commission work. I'll post an image of the third completed commissioned painting tomorrow. If you would like to bid on Sliced Bread, you can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. Must admit to have never been a white bread fan...I am know though:) Love the contrast of the soft bread and the crinkly transparent paper. Another great painting

  2. Wow! You have a great feel for your subjects and present them wonderfully. Some real work here.
    God bless and keep it up
