Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm Interviewed by Jeff Hayes

Chocolate and Foil by Jeff Hayes
oil on masonite
10'' x 10"

Jeff Hayes has chosen me as the first interviewee for a new monthly feature on his blog State of the Art. He plans to spotlight a different artist each month, and I have to admit it was kind of fun. I first became aware of Jeff when I purchased a small painting of his a few years ago from ebay. We've been corresponding ever since. He, along with Belinda Del Pesco, were instrumental in helping me get my own blog off the ground. Jeff was also our trusted guide through the streets of Boston, when Karen, and I were there for our show at Wynne/Falconer in late 2007. He's a terrific realist painter, Chocolate and Foil (above) is one of his paintings currently available for sale on ebay. I'm honored that he considered me, interview worthy. If you'd like to read the interview, and view more of Jeff's work, you can visit his blog by clicking here.

I've ignored my own blog here lately. I've been busy working on compositions to submit to the company in Chicago for a possible commission. I received word a few days ago that they like what they saw. The images have all been approved, and a deposit check has also been sent. Good news. Now all I have to do is paint them. Which, for anyone who follows this blog, knows for me that means - freak out time.

Since my last post I have managed to work on a new painting for Stricoff Fine Art, Ltd. in New York. It's a piece I began months ago, and never finished. The Print Pack Inc. commission was dominating all my time. It's nearly done, and should be ready to ship within the next few weeks. I'll post an image of it as soon as it is complete. The lack of time I've been able to spend workng for the galleries has been very distressing for me, but it's difficult, especially now, to reject work that pays immediately. Hopefully, I can finish this new commission quickly, and get back to work for the galleries very soon.


  1. Great interview, you deserve it!
    Your devotion for quality is really inspiring for many of us. Congrat for these new projects.I agree, Jeff is a great painter but also a generous giver, an hyperactive one I would say:)

  2. Wonderful interview. Thanks for sharing about your artistic journey. I ALWAYS enjoy checking out your latest work. All the best. - John

  3. I have been following your work for awhile. As a painter,it is an encouragement to me to hear about another artist's process and journey. Enjoyed it....

  4. Thanks guys. It was fun. I'm looking forward to reading future interviews with other artists.

  5. Nice interview. It's always nice to hear how other artists approach their medium and their day. It can be a very isolated life as an artist, wondering if others face the same struggles you do. I've always found it difficult to build up a body of work to approach galleries with, as direct sales and commissions are short-term necessities to paying the bills. It can be hard for me to find the balance, but I'm working towards it.

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I love Toblerone & this painting! :)

    Very Nice
