Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stacked Cups No.2

Stacked Cups No.2
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Tonight is a variation on a composition I posted a while back called Stacked Cups. I really liked the original, and knew at the time that I'd revisit it down the line. The combination of the hard reflective surface of the cups and saucers, with the draped linen table cloth is very appealing to me, so it tends to show up in a lot of my paintings. If you would like to purchase this piece you can bid on it by clicking here.

As I mentioned in an earlier post I've been working on the photography for the Chicago commission this week. I've got compositions for three of the four required paintings. I'm still waiting for my last prop to arrive from ebay to complete the fourth. I have to say that I'm pretty pleased with how they are turning out. Even if the commission falls through, I think they will work very well for ebay, and gallery paintings. Either way I'm looking forward to getting them onto canvas.


  1. Beautiful. I love stacked things, and just painted a set of colorful cups last week for my blog! They can't compare with yours, and white - what a challenge, and what a good job you did!

  2. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Shockingly good James!!!

    Glad I found your blog


  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I really like the 'feel' of the cups. You can tell they they have some weight to them. Nice job

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like your blog. I look forward to seeing it once. Keep up the good job.

    Oil painting

  6. This was a nice post and I think it is pretty easy to see from the other comments as well that this post is well written and useful. Keep up the good work.

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