Monday, January 12, 2009

PB&J No.7

PB&J No.7
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Upon completion of my final commissioned painting I re-entered the ebay market. In an odd reversal of comfort zones, I've gone from 30 x 30's back to what was, at one time, the norm of the 6 x 6. I have to admit it feels a little weird. That sense of immediate gratification has returned, but it still seems a bit strange to work on such small panels once again. I'll be getting back to gallery work as well, once these are done. I plan to list five small ebay paintings this week, then it's back to larger pieces for the galleries. If you're interested in bidding on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.


  1. Amazing! I can see how you can get detail on a 30x30 canvas, but how do you get such detail on such a small canvas? Also, I visited your ebay listing and noticed that you started the auction at 1 cent. I'm curious about why such a small opening bid? Thanks,
    The Figurative Realm of Mary Bullock

  2. Looks good enough to eat!

  3. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Makes me hungry!
