Thursday, January 15, 2009

Grape Tomatoes

Grape Tomatoes
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Continuing the food theme for this week with a few grape tomatoes. I guess that's about all there is to say about that. I'll be delivering the Print Pack commissioned paintings tomorrow morning. I'm kind of freaked out about it. I've been emailing jpegs of each to them for approval, but I'm still a little worried about bringing in the actual completed paintings. Not sure how they'll react. Hope all goes well. If you'd like to buy this painting, you can participate in the auction by clicking here.


  1. I like the "cotton-y" texture you've captured in the cloth. Nice.

  2. You wrote: I've been emailing jpegs of each to them for approval, but I'm still a little worried about bringing in the actual completed paintings. Not sure how they'll react. Hope all goes well.

    Good heavens, man, no worries!

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    this is quite exquisite, the lighting, the moment in other words... i really like it... r.

  4. Saw your Blog twittered - came to peek - exquisite - I am so checking out your other blogs.

  5. Thank you for informative blog.
    Art exhibition

  6. Fantastic blog! I dont think Ive seen all the angles of this subject the way youve pointed them out.

    Oil painting
